A new project I've been working on for a while: collating information on gender-neutral and accessible toilets in Switzerland. The ongoing notes for this are mostly being put on a separate blog, creatively titled Gender Neutral Toilets in Switzerland.
My main aims are to gather information on where there are gender-neutral toilets, and to collect other useful resources and news on the subject. I'm very interested in all your links, thoughts, photos, experiences and so on! Translation and guest-post help would also be very much appreciated.
As part of the overall project, David and I (with some input from my friend Vincent) have created CrowdPee, a questionnaire + a Twitter bot to crowdsource data about the toilets in bars and restaurants in Zürich. There will be more bots forthcoming, I hope — once I learn how to write them! That's why this post is filed under Programming. There's a lot more detail about the CrowdPee project here and on our wiki page at opendata.ch.