Dress code:
- Mirrorshades
- Black leather
- Trenchcoats
- Fishnets
- Neon (or just zero colour coordination)
- Black nail varnish
- Either combat boots or sandals
- Radiation trefoils
- Torn or ill-fitting t-shirts
- Terminals and text editors should be set to green on black
- Computers around the room showing the following films on silent:
- Wargames
- The Net
- The Matrix
- Akira
- The X-Files hacker episode
- Random anime (Me: Cowboy Bebop. Dave: I guess so. Technically speaking there should be one that just shows hentai...)
- Blade Runner
- Various appropriate screensavers
- Bunting made out of all our old random cables and glowsticks
- The Matrix soundtrack
- Rage Against the Machine
- The Run Lola Run soundtrack
- The Velvet Underground
Food and drink:
- Pocky
- Glasses of colour-separated smarties and jelly beans, for all the mind-altering drugs required to hack so hard
- Mountain Dew, if we can get some
- Green tea
- Club Mate (I couldn't remember the brand name, so googled for "mate drink cool berlin hackers". It worked.)
If we can find a bunch of people who are interested, we will organise something like this. Come and pretend to be the weird 90s stereotype your parents were afraid of!